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Pittsburgh Solutions is a premier eBusiness Strategic Management Consulting firm which provides our clients with a value proposition that includes superior services and highly successful results. This recognition has been achieved through utilizing experienced professional consultants, proven methodologies, industry standard techniques, and a proven service offering framework. In addition, Pittsburgh Solutions has taken the initiative to establish a finite set of focused service offerings around eBusiness. This focus has provided the ability to become experts in eBusiness instead of generalists, which often occurs in large consulting firms.
Service Offerings:

Top Business Questions

Some of the top questions that Pittsburgh Solutions is asked to answer for its clients during the normal course of an engagement are:

1) How do I redesign my business processes from the customer's point of view?

2) How do I make it easy for customers to do business with my firm over the Web?

3) How do I focus on the Internet end customer?

4) How do I design a comprehensive, evolving electronic business architecture?

5) How do I foster customer loyalty and generate adequate Web traffic?

6) How do I target the right customers or right profiles of customers?

7) How do I own the customer's total Internet experience?

8) How do I streamline the business processes that impact the customer?

9) How do I provide a 360° view of the customer relationship?

10) How do I let customers help themselves?

11) How do I help customers do their job easier?

12) How do I deliver personalized service?

13) How do I foster a community?

14) How do I automate the supply chain?

15) How do I mine and analyze the customer data?

16) How do I become an info-mediary or eliminate my distributors?

17) How do I compensate my sales people over the web?

18) How do I do all of the above profitably?

Digital Economy Key Issues and Questions:

Contact Us at:
Pittsburgh Solutions
7500 Brooktree Drive
Suite 100
Wexford, PA 15090
(724) 935-4344