eVision and eStrategy
Our eVision and eStrategy service
offering provides a proven framework that takes our clients through
a step-by-step process of developing a complete eBusiness solution.
This process begins by developing a common vision that aligns both
business and technical aspects that is needed for conducting all
facets of business over the web. Once the vision has been developed,
a series of detailed planning sessions takes the enterprise through
a step-by-step process that will define the business, technical,
and marketing strategies. In addition, a common focus is established
on achieving a predetermined set of desired goals and objectives
and a detailed case for action is created to define critical goals
and objectives and potential business benefits for the enterprise.
We use a five-step process for this service.
During the discovery stage a thorough analysis of the current architectures,
strategies, priorities, and progress is compiled and viewed creatively.
This phase takes current strategies and reviews best practice models,
industry trends, and competitive advantage opportunities to determine
approaches and market leadership that can sustain longevity.
In this phase, Pittsburgh Solutions' industry-specific, process-framework
is used to develop the benchmark to follow in the new Digital Economy.
Whether you are a "dot-com" or a "brick and mortar" organization,
this framework expedites this phase. This baseline stage takes enterprise
and standard industry key performance measures and develops a balanced
scorecard. Once the scorecard is established, a current baseline
score is determined and a targeted score is generated.
The envision stage takes all the benchmarks, corporate strategies,
and industry trends and aligns them to produce a vision and mission
statement that the entire enterprise can focus on and rally behind
and prepares a business case for action under the constraints of
"Internet time".
The "strategize" stage takes the vision and develops a
business, technical and marketing strategy that creates a detailed
roadmap of the work that needs to be accomplished. In this phase,
an Internet eBusiness marketing plan is developed. In addition,
this plan is integrated with the "brick and mortar" marketing plan
to produce one cohesive plan.
The transformation stage takes the vision and identifies potential
organizational change impacts to the enterprise and develops a plan
to address these impacts. Once this is complete, we define each
project in detail and develop detailed plans that are then reviewed
and prioritized to achieve maximum results.